Tuesday, 27 May 2014

History of art movement

Neoclassicism 1750s-1800s

People in power use art to keep power

Low literacy among people to use art as a tool

Heaven and hell

Romaticism 1750s-1890s

Revolt against aristocratic and political power

Escape from modern life and the age of enlightement

Realism 1850s-1900s

A representation of subjects as they appear in real life

Impressionism 1860s-1920s

Short, thick strokes of paint quickly capture the essence of the subject, rather than its details. The paint is often applied impasto.

Grays and dark tones are produced by mixing complementary colours. Pure impressionism avoids the use of black paint.

Painters often worked in the evening to produce effets de soir—the shadowy effects of evening or twilight.

The play of natural light is emphasized. Close attention is paid to the reflection of colours from object to object.

Modernism 1860s-present

Celebration of science technology and industry

A philosophical movement which arose from the transformations and developments of western society

Socially progressive

Art nouveau 1890-1910

New art focused on the decorative arts dedicated to the natural forms

Highly commercial and widespread

Bauhaus 1919-1933

A school in Germany which aimed to combine crafts and fine arts

Post-Modernism 1960s-present

From the 1950s called contemporary arts

Movement in arts and architecture

Criticism that rejected the modernist avant-garde

Passion for the new

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