Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Signifier and signified

Today we've had a look a the meaning behind a product photo or advertisement. Signifier and the signified. The relation between us the consumers and the photographed product.

First I will have a look at the J'adore Dior commercial from youtube.

In this perfume advertisement we can see Charlize arrives to a fashion show where she meets a few, now deceased world famous models and actress. Dior is a well known brand and in the fashion world is one of the most respected of all the other big names. What I see in this longer version of the advertisement is that the signifier brand the J'adore Dior perfume is so unique and classy also well known, like the actresses who Charlize met during her entrance to the backstage. We see a quite a few big names from Audrey Hepburn to Marlene Dietrich and Marilyn Monroe. Miss Theron runs along the icons of fashion world like it would be an everyday scenario, she is getting dressed up into a golden costume what symbolises the shape of the perfume bottle. So the meaning of the advertisement for me is whoever would buy this fragrance would be feeling like a star between the biggest names in fashion's history.

The second product advertisement would be a range of colourful lipstick from the cooperation between the famous actress and the brand Dolce & Gabbana. The contrast between the gritty background and the colourful lipsticks and a beautiful model is just eye catching. The product is aimed for a little bit classy women. Not specially for the younger generation even the colours are vivid and lively I think it is more moderate and aimed for a more adult generation.

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