Monday, 30 September 2013

Research on depth of field

Depth of field research

In this post we'll have a look at photographs with short or long d-o-f. Which photographer used small aperture or large. We'll see how big difference can it make.

First start off with a picture of Joel Meyerowitz who is a street photographer from New York. He used wide angle and small aperture to show much detail as he can. This style is close to me so that's why I chose his work.

Next picture would be Andre Kertesz's street photograph. He shot in the same street style.

The last long depth of field example would be William Kelvin's street documentary photo.
He also used small aperture to bring in much detail as he can.

Short depth of field pictures are shot with a wide open aperture. So the background blurred out, less details shown. It is good for portraits with long lens.

On this picture the short d-o-f hides the details and gives a nice mood to this black and white portrait.

Downloaded this photo from tumbler. Short d-o-f the model pops out the background. Nice fashion picture.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Self portrait

Hey everyone! My name is Daniel and I live in Manchester in the last few years. I started going to college this September to study photography. Our first thing to do was a self-portrait. So here we go my first picture on this blog will be my first still life self-portrait.

My first picture is a still life self-portrait.
I`ve just put a few of my favorite stuff together like my books about photographers, or my boxing shoes. Both of them are important thing in my life since I was a teenager.

So my second photo is a self-portrait. On this picture I was just messing with my phone and I liked this framing because of the mirror.

Destroyed portrait

The first thing we had to do with our portrait, that we had to destroy it. So I took mine and done a few things to it.